Managers: 4 tips for speeches that positively influence your team
Discover how to transform your speeches into tools of positive influence with our 4 practical tips. Whether you're an experienced manager or a beginner, learn to captivate your team, prepare effectively, communicate clearly, and encourage collective participation. Inspire and motivate your team like a pro, without falling into clichés.
Facing criticism: The new essential skill for managers?
In 2024, managerial roles encompass far more than just team management. They now carry significant responsibilities and high expectations, often attracting sharp criticism. Is the ability to handle these pressures and confront them becoming a crucial skill for increasingly complex managerial roles?
HR: How to Make Skills the Foundation of Your Organization?
In 2024, organizations will be based on skills, or they will not exist at all. This is essentially the belief of many leaders worldwide who see this model as a way to support societal transformation by promoting adaptability, equal opportunities, and diversity, at a time when automation and the reduction...
What the Historic Peaks of Absenteeism and Disengagement in France Reveals
This article emphasizes the significance of team dynamics in overcoming organizational challenges, advocating for a supportive, balanced, and safe team environment. Highlighting the importance of meeting team members' needs such as competence and autonomy, it argues that enhancing motivation and performance leads to a more resilient and adaptable organization.
Using Inverse Transparency in Leadership
This paper published in 2020 is based on the idea that digital tools can be used in leadership and be beneficial for both managers and employees. Specifically, the article focuses on transparency, as the mentioned tools allow a bigger and quicker flow of data that can be used in management....
Introduction – Mapping of adaptive organizations, agile structures, or shared governance
In an ever-evolving economic and social landscape, industrial enterprises, service providers, associations, and foundations face unprecedented challenges in management and organization. These challenges call for a renewal of governance models and managerial practices. The contemporary observation of the obsolescence of traditional management models marks the beginning of an era of...