Holaspirit white paper by NextGen

Q3 - 2023

Simplicity and Minimalism in Management: Less is More!

If you are a manager or business leader, you probably know the Pareto principle. Theorized by the Italian sociologist of the same name, it posits that 20% of your actions yield 80% of the desired effects. Applied to your work, the 80-20 principle suggests that the majority of your efforts would be redundant. It is true that many secondary tasks prove to be excessively time-consuming for you and your collaborators.

How can you streamline the organizational mode of a business without disrupting its operations? And what are the concrete benefits of minimalism in terms of management? You'll discover all of this in this white paper.

Key figures


of your actions yield 80% of the desired effects.

2 to 5

hours per week lost due to unnecessary interruptions!


Each year, unnecessary meetings could cost American companies $37 billion


of employees work on other tasks during meetings, and nearly 40% doze off!

Download the Holaspirit NextGen White paper
"Simplicity and Minimalism in Management: Less is More!"