


NextGen is certified Qualiopi in the category “Actions de formation”

The declaration of activity is registered under the number 11 75 68471 75 at the prefet of Ile de france. This registration does not constitute state approval.

The ultimate place to learn and experiment new forms of governance and innovative management frameworks

With our series of masterclasses, taught by international leaders and pioneers, learn from those who have already taken action while connecting with a large community of alumni.

In addition to our NextGen Club premium contents, our Academy is a real opportunity to network with our wide range of speakers from all over the world and to study the experiences of the world’s most responsive organizations.

Unleash the full potential

of your organization!

Making transformational decisions and putting them into action is not that easy, it takes time and energy to weigh different options.

Join the NextGen Academy and get everything you need to help you and your teams to make the change happen and succeed! 


For inspiration, training and action

Led by international experts and business leaders

Composed of 4 to 10 complementary modules

Sessions to share with other companies having similar issues

A successful balance between inspirational sessions and workshops

Occurring regularly throughout the year

Online or in person

In English or French

Over a period of 1 to 3 months, depending on the program

280+ Experts from a diversity of countries


The Series of masterclasses

Our English-speaking masterclasses are coming soon!

We take the time to design programs with a wide variety of courses, together with our experts and partners, in order to help you move from consciousness to concrete

Training series #01

Developing a high performing team

Language: English & French

Modalities: in-person or online

We believe that the primary source of productivity in companies lies within their teams, in the quality of interactions and interdependencies. The team is the right level for analyzing performance and well-being because nobody works alone anymore! We rely on an algorithm and a scientific diagnostic already proven by more than 2000 teams to measure the starting point and help the team build its own improvement plan.


Training SerieS #02

Becoming a leader in a changing world

Language: English

Modalities: In-person or online

How do you stay ahead in a constantly changing world? This is a major challenge for organizations. To effectively manage this increasing acceleration and accompanying complexity, agile organizations focused on their purpose are key to mobilizing employee engagement, developing sustainable economic performance, and being an actor for the common good.


Training SerieS #03

Diving into self-organization and shared governance

Language: English & French

Modalities: In-person or online

Many organizations today suffer from the limitations of obsolete ways of working due to the mounting demands of complexity placed upon them by an ever-accelerating business environment. Classic top-down organizations are simply too ineffective in responding to challenges. At the same time they are stifling the creativity and autonomy of their workforce.

training SerieS #04

Developing a self reliant and responsible team

Language: English & French

Modalities: In- person or online

The pandemic accelerates the history of management and exacerbates two main forces within organizations: often unarmed in the face of suddenly autonomous and responsible collaborators in their homes, many managers must also overcome a certain distance – not just geographical – with the company, deepened by the explosion of teleworking.

training SerieS #05

The art of gouvernance

Language: English & French

Modalities: In-person or online

From a “predict & control” leadership to a “sense & respond” leadership. In a context of profound mutations and accelerated changes, we have no choice but to update our skill set and mental map in order to navigate more serenely in a highly VUCA world. And the way we respond to this call for transformation makes all the difference.

training SerieS #06

Key steps in creating a company with shared governance

Language: English & French

Modalities: In-person or online

Dive into the world of shared governance and acquire essential skills for creating an innovative and values-aligned company. Led by  experts.  these masterclasses offer a combination of theoretical teachings and practical exercises, enabling you to grasp the fundamental concepts of shared governance and apply them in your own organization.

Training #07

Mastering Artificial Intelligence in Business: Tools and Strategies

Language: English & French

Modalities: In-person or online

You hear about AI every day. Unlike other “hypes” and buzzwords, AI can save you precious time starting today. Led by experts, this training offers a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises, allowing you to grasp the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its use in your daily life.


To identify the challenges and key principles of the metaverse

Language: English & French

Modalities: In-person or online

Digital technologies are fueling managerial and organizational innovations and continually expanding the realm of possibilities in our everyday work lives. The metaverse, definable as a fictional virtual world, has been making headlines for a few weeks, and the idea that we could all be working there in the near future now seems more probable than ever.

If you have a disability or a particular need, please contact us before the course, using the form below. We will then be able to study together how to adapt the accessibility of our course (location and/or teaching methods), or to guide you, so that you can obtain the best possible learning conditions.

Satisfaction 2023

122 teams trained:



Overall rating















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