Traditional, pyramidal, and hierarchical management is outdated. It is time to make way for ” next generation ” enterprises, focused on their purpose. 

As the digital wave takes hold, companies are faced with unprecedented challenges in terms of adaptation: how to put meaning back into action? How to integrate the collective into the decision-making process? How can we free everyone’s energy by valuing – even if it means making mistakes – personal initiatives driven by a common vision and avoiding diluting the responsibility of those who take them? 

250 managers from 200 companies contributed to this book. Some of them are fully in line with theoretical management trends, others claim to be pure pragmatists. All of them invent new techniques on a daily basis, devise original approaches and develop practical toolkits to fundamentally rethink the very mechanics of organizations. 

Large industries and small service companies, associations and foundations… The new modes of governance are guiding us in the footsteps of the next generation enterprise.


Luc Bretones

Luc Bretones is Partner at Mandarina Group, organizer of the “The NextGen Enterprise Summit”, Essec researcher on managerial innovation and honorary president of Institut G9+. As an expert in innovation, which he managed for the Orange Group, he is now focusing on the next big disruption: new forms of management.


Philippe Pinault

Philippe Pinault is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Talkspirit and Holaspirit, both of which operate a software platform to support the digital transformation of organizations. With Holaspirit, he is revolutionizing traditional management to support this next generation of enterprises.


Olivier Trannoy

Olivier Trannoy is a lawyer in a large company and member of the think tank Institut G9+. Passionate about the evolution of the world of work, he is also the author of Futur du Travail (ed. Diateino, 2019), a book he co-wrote with Luc Bretones.