
Clementine and Vincent from the Managerial Odyssey present the democratic decision-making processes within the decentralized organization makesense. All members have the power to make decisions relevant to the organization, while respecting the established processes.

Learn why prioritizing your team's dynamics over organizational issues leads to greater success. Bet on your team for a winning scenario in today's workplace!

This article emphasizes the significance of team dynamics in overcoming organizational challenges, advocating for a supportive, balanced, and safe team environment. Highlighting the importance of meeting team members' needs such as competence and autonomy, it argues that enhancing motivation and performance leads to a more resilient and adaptable organization.

This paper published in 2020 is based on the idea that digital tools can be used in leadership and be beneficial for both managers and employees. Specifically, the article focuses on transparency, as the mentioned tools allow a bigger and quicker flow of data that can be used in management. This is a theoretical paper: the authors analyze previous studies to create a new theory that explain the phenomenon.

In an ever-evolving economic and social landscape, industrial enterprises, service providers, associations, and foundations face unprecedented challenges in management and organization. These challenges call for a renewal of governance models and managerial practices. The contemporary observation of the obsolescence of traditional management models marks the beginning of an era of profound transformation, where flexibility and adaptability become strategic imperatives.

Uncover the conflict between traditional leadership and the growing desire for collaboration, leading to a paradoxical mandate that erodes trust. The article offers practical insights on decentralizing power, promoting autonomy, and adopting an entrepreneurial spirit. Explore the keys to successful organizational change and a gain in collective performance. A must-read for leaders facing the challenges of modern businesses.

Discover the synthesis of pioneering research on the liberated company by Michèle El Khoury, Annabelle Jaouen, and Sylvie Sammut. Explore the distinctive criteria and nuances compared to models such as Holacracy and the Opal organization, and gain insights on how to integrate these innovative concepts into your organization. A must-read study for leaders seeking new management approaches.

Lors du #NextGenSummit23, Stéphane Berdoulet nous a parlé de la Seine-Saint-Denis, un territoire qui se positionne en tête de l’économie circulaire, où de nombreuses filières de réemploi de matériaux sont expérimentées 🚀 Soutenue activement par des acteurs de l’économie sociale, la Seine-Saint-Denis est portée par des acteurs engagés de l’économie sociale, passionnément investis dans ces initiatives. 💡 L’association Halage est un moteur depuis plus de trois décennies, créant des activités accessibles aux chômeurs et fournissant des services environnementaux précieux à la ville. Les activités lancées par Halage ont un impact régénérateur sur la Seine-Saint-Denis en redécouvrant et en mobilisant des compétences cachées perdues en raison de l’automatisation et de l’industrialisation.

The conventional approach of defining work via “jobs” and individuals as “jobholders” is becoming outdated. The contemporary business environment, driven by digitization and automation, demands a fresh approach to work structure: a "work without jobs" operating system for enhanced organizational agility. An article by Luc Bretones, Founder of NextGen

Interview of Ravin Jesuthasan, global thought leader, futurist and bestselling author on the future of work, automation and human capital

2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ ! c’est le nombre d’équipes qui ont déjà approuvé l'algorithme et le diagnostic scientifique de la plateforme OpenDecide qui mesure les désalignements d’une équipe sur 12 processus de travail quotidiens comme, par exemple : - la gestion des réunions, - la définition des rôles, - la mission de l’équipe, - la gestion des compétences, - la gestion des conflits, etc.

The ongoing environmental and societal transition calls for various unprecedentedtransformations (industrial, societal, technological, and environmental practices) andrepresents both a moral and strategic obligation. While the world is experiencing major andrapid changes, disadvantaged populations appear to be the most affected. An article by Luc Bretonesn, Founder of NextGen, Based on the BNP Paribas Global Report.