Managerial Odyssey 2023: Israël company#9 - Hi Bob

Hi Bob is an innovative HR platform used by more than 2500 multinationals, with interesting tools to prevent corporate crises and promote talent retention… we’ll give a brief overview of the company in this article.

👉 Hi Bob: What is the platform?

Hi Bob is a company that has developed a Human Resources management platform.

The central product of the platform, which forms its foundation, is the “Core HR” tool that enables the management of administrative HR aspects. It includes a social network-like homepage to engage employees, automated workflows to streamline daily HR tasks, HR analytics to gather employee information and track trends, and many other features to make work easier and save time.

Additionally, there are other additional modules that can be added to the platform, which are listed in the column below.

If you want to learn more about each of them, we invite you to click here for further information.

👉 Focus: Tools for crisis prevention?

Here are two tools that we find particularly interesting for crisis prevention:

-> In the “People Analytics” module, one of the features is to provide a “risk” indicator for talent attrition within the company (low, medium, high risk). This tool allows you to stay one step ahead of any potential issues and take necessary measures to retain high-risk employees. It’s a valuable asset for reducing turnover and anticipating the “crisis” of losing top talent, thereby combating overall disengagement.

-> The “Your Voice” module is a space where employees can express their concerns anonymously. Remarks are categorized, addressing issues such as harassment, personal or general concerns about the company, or reporting illegal activities. Through state-of-the-art encryption technology, anonymity is guaranteed. This communication platform is an excellent tool for managers to become aware of crises experienced by their employees.

We hope you enjoyed this article! Thanks and see you soon!


Élodie & Dimitri